

Stay Active and Independent for Life

Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is a strength, balance and fitness program for adults 65 and older. Performing exercises that improve strength, balance and fitness are the single most important activity that adults can do to stay active and reduce their chances of falling. The entire curriculum of activities in the SAIL Program can help improve strength and balance, if done regularly. 

SAIL meets the highest level criteria for an evidence-based program.

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Who should participate?

Primary focus is on community-dwelling older adults (65+) and people with a history of falls. The SAIL program is able to accommodate people with a mild level of mobility difficulty (e.g. people who are occasional cane users). The program focuses on improving flexibility, strength and balance. It can be done standing or seated.

What will attendees learn?

SAIL focuses on exercises which improve strength, balance and fitness levels. Attendees feel better and are able to stay independent longer.

What is the cost?

Older adults may or may not pay a small fee to the host site to attend a SAIL class, though this decision is made by the host site. Many host sites offer the SAIL Program free of charge to older adults as one of the benefits of membership at the host site.

Washington State Class List (updated 3.1.25):  WA State SAIL Classes


If we are missing any classes in Washington State, please let us know so we may update the list!

Washington State SAIL class questions can be directed to Cindy Jaffe:

SAIL class information outside of Washington State can be directed to Sandy Gatlin:

I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for the SAIL Fitness Program. The program is perfectly planned and designed to help people who sincerely want to stay fit and in charge of their lives. I am an 80-year-old woman. I live single and alone in a remote location. After a year of classes, I have experienced a steady, measurable improvement in lower and upper body strength, balance awareness and self-confidence. I have also found a new set of friends who have like attitudes about approaching senior years.
— Audrey